Reschedule Your Lesson
​To schedule a make up lesson please make sure to follow the policies and then fill out the form below.
Make-Up Policies
Please cancel your lesson as soon as you know you cannot make it.
You must cancel/email with at least 24 hours notice to be able to make up the lesson.​​
You can cancel you or your child’s lessons anytime through the Ride the Sky Stables scheduling app OR by emailing
The Acuity Scheduling Client App can be downloaded on Android devices here and iOS devices here.
Students that ride once per week are allotted one make up lesson per quarter. Students that ride twice per week are allotted three lessons per quarter. Make ups can be scheduled at anytime. ​​
Make ups CANNOT be used in lieu of tuition.
We cannot guarantee that make ups will be scheduled with your regular instructor.
Lessons cancelled by Ride the Sky Stables for any reason (absent instructor, weather conditions, etc.) will be issued make ups. These make up lessons do NOT count towards your quarterly make up limit.
There will be no scheduled lessons on Thanksgiving, and December 22nd - December 28th. Make up lessons will be issued to all affected families. These make up lessons do NOT count towards your quarterly make up limit.